2008년 6월 8일 일요일

2008년 6월 1일 일요일

The summary for this week

There were no classes on this week

2008년 5월 25일 일요일

The Summary for this week ( 21st, 23rd, May)

I learn privacy and public in information technology class. It is the important key points on this week that History of and surveillance today, review of the capture model, definition of privacy, Lessig on monitoring and serach and Gandy on data mining .
Surveillance is close watch kept over someon or something. Today, the surveillances are with artists and art groups concerned. For example, ZKM show which is [ctr l] space, curated by Tomas Y.Levin, surveillance camera players, institute for applied autonomy, Julia Scher and Steve Mann’s video. Also I learned Technologies of surveillance. FoViiasage 7 SuperbowlXXXV is an example. There is from surveillance to dataveillance. Dataveillacne/spying is carnavor, echelon and total information awareness agency and it is officially ended in September 2003.
There are Aclu’s analysis, new powers of surveillance, search and seizure and threat to the first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and fourteenth amendments of the U.S. Constitution to pariot act and post 9/11.
Surveillance model is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret police surveillance. Capture model is built upon linguistic metaphors and takes as its prototype the deliberate reorganization of industrial work activities to allow computers to track them [the work activities] in real time. Capture in comparison with surveillance is that linguistic metaphors (e.g., grammars of action),instrumentation and reorganization of existing activities, captured activity is assembled from standardized “parts” from an institutional setting, decentralized and heterogeneous organization and the driving aims are not necessarily political, but philosophical/market driven.
What is privacy? It is the quality or state of being apart from company or observation and the other is a place of seclusion. The connections between the public and the private are social, civil society and economic sphere.
If the digital media versus computer science what is the result? First, digital media studies are some architectures which are best designed to be inefficient. Computer science is efficiency that is almost always considered to be a virtue. Lessig on architecture however, by “architecture” Lessig means, more or less, what computer scientists mean when they say architecture: configuration/assemblages of hardware and software video.
Architecture of privacy is from doors, windows and fences. It is to wires, networks; wireless networks, databases and search engines.For example, the HTTP headers whiche is cookies are the examples of anti and monitoring architectural features of the web.
Descriptive and predictive are types of data mining. Descriptive is to compute a relatively concise, description of a large data set. Predictive is to predict unknown values for a variable for one or more known variables.
Data mining tasks are regression, classification, clustering, inference of associative rules and inference of sequential patterns. Regression is to infer a function that relates a known variable to an unknown variable. Classification is to given a set of categories and a datum, put it into the correct category. Clustering is to given a data set divide it into groups. Inference of sequential patterns is to given a set of series, determine which things often occur before others. Inference of associative rules is to given a set of sets, determine which subsets commonly occur together. Data mining is used for market research and other commercial purposes, science and intelligence gathering. Technologies and architectures are important influences on the production and change of private and public space but, they do not independently determine what is public and what is private (to think they do is called technological determinism). We need to understand not just the machines, but also the people mediated by these technologies: we need to understand the whole as a machination, a heterogeneous network of people and machines; thus Lessig’s mention (in addition to architecture) of laws, norms, and the market.

2008년 5월 11일 일요일

The summary for the week ( 7th, 9th May)

Introduce to Information Technology

2008년 5월 4일 일요일

The summary for the week ( 30th April, 2nd May)

As I get the introduction to information technology class, I compare between the art and computer technology. After a computer is common to us, there are many relatives to us. I learned CSCW (computer supported cooperative work), every digital media technology has an architecture using diagrams to compare physical architectures with digital architecture, the surveillance model and Dr. Yoon mentioned again that technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships. He let us watched a movie which is Charlie Chaplin’s modern times.

What is the ethnomethodology? An ethnomethodology is that how people make sense of the social world. Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is illusory. They believe that social life merely appears to be orderly; in reality it is potentially chaotic. For them social order is constructed in the minds of social actors as society confronts the individual as a series of sense impressions and experiences which she or he must somehow organize into a coherent pattern.

I watched Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin. The movie represents the era of the beginning of the modern society. I think that the movie is related with CSCW (computer supported cooperative work) and it is a little bit humorous. So what is the CSCW? As I mentioned before, it is the cooperative working when we work by using computer and it is decide what to do. For example, there are Photoshop, illustration. These softwares are instead of us. It means that we can draw a straight line by using these tools and we do not need do whole part of working. There is CAD which is used to architecture. It is usable not only architecture but also products design. CAD is convenient to draft what you construct and design so numerous designers use CAD when they draw a plan to construct a building. Therefore, as we use the software which is like CAD, Adobe Photoshop, Illustration etc, we can make the relation with the topic that is mentioned before. The topic was that technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.

The last topic is Agre’s surveillance model. Surveillance means that observing or concentrating to something or someone. We can us the surveillance model in now days. For instant, parents who send their childern to kidergarten, they can watch their children on the web because some kindergartens offer to see children by establishing web cam in the classroom. so they trust them and are able to concentrate on their work. Surveillance model is s a visual metaphors. It is assumed that watching is non-disruptive. Also it is territorial metaphors as in the invasion of private space. Surveillance model is identification with the state and malevolent aims of a specifically political nature.
I think that this week class has lots of connection with architecture. I become aware of the important of information technology because everything in our life is related to information technology.

2008년 4월 27일 일요일

The summary for the week (23rd, 25th April)

People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people
•key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction
•history of HCI from a tools perspective
•conversational models of the interface: the intersection of AI and HCI
•question for today: what problem does Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve?
•the answer of AI
•the answer of Ethnomethodology

2008년 4월 12일 토요일

The summary for the week ( 11th, April)

GPS separated its knowledge of problems from its strategy of how to solve problems : not real-world problems : Soar GPS as a “solution”: The General Problem Solver by Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Clifford TALESPIN as a “solution” FRUMP (Fast Reading, Understanding, and Memory Program) as a “solution" Alan Turing is founder of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, and a gay manAlan Turing (1912-1936)1912 (23 June): Birth, Paddington, London1926-31: Sherborne School1930: Death of friend Christopher Morcom 1931-34: Undergraduate at King's College, Cambridge University1932-35: Quantum mechanics, probability, logic1935: Elected fellow of King's College, Cambridge1936: The Turing machine, computability, universal machine1936-38: Princeton University. Ph.D. Logic, algebra, number theory1938-39: Return to Cambridge. Introduced to German Enigma cipher machine 1939-40: The Bombe, machine for Enigma decryption1939-42: Breaking of U-boat Enigma, saving battle of the Atlantic1943-45: Chief Anglo-American crypto consultant. Electronic work.1945: National Physical Laboratory, London1946: Computer and software design leading the world.
(1947-1954)1947-48: Programming, neural nets, and artificial intelligence1948: Manchester University Marvin Minsk said“... artificial intelligence [AI] is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence [as] if done by [humans]”
artificial intelligence: research areas are Knowledge Representation,Programming Languages,Natural Language (e.g., Story) Understanding ,Speech Understanding,Vision,Robotics ,Machine, Learning and Planning GPS is what is known in AI as a “planner.” (not global positioning system!!! it is a computer program for theorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing Newell, Alan, Shaw, J. C., and Simon, Herbert A. “GPS, A Program That Simulates Human Thought.” In Computers and Thought, ed. Edward A. Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman. pp. 279-293. New York, 1963 .To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world” (i.e., insofar as one can even talk of a “world” of logic or cryptoarthimetic, two of the domains in which GPS solved problems) be encoded and then updated after any action was taken (e.g., after a step was added to the proof of a theorem).
I never thought that A.I is the abbreviated from artificial intelligence. I am really surprised that artificial intelligence is related with social network as technology. so I know that technologies are related with everything.

2008년 4월 6일 일요일

The summary for the week ( 2nd, 4th April)

I thought that there is no connection between social network and technology. However, as I get the class, I learn the relationship between social network and science, technology, popular culture and art. There are two key points of this week also. One is that new media technologies extend existing social networks or even work to isolate people from the society. The other is that when new media technologies promote new social networks, they challenge existing social, political and economic relationships at the same time.

New media technologies extend existing social networks. Social Network is realized when people know each other. Also, as people know each other more and more, social network is also getting bigger. Even if I know a famous actor, it cannot be social network unless he knows me. So even though I know Myung Bak, Lee, I cannot put his name on the social network because he does not know me. How do the new media technologies work to isolate people? I think that we are usually able to meet those kind people who are isolated. Perhaps all of us are also isolated. Anyway people who are isolated do not go outside and they just stay at home or a space and then they find news, information which they want to know by using the new media technologies.

When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships. And social network as science is a little bit different from social network as technology. Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists. Actually, there were no communications between every part of studies. As new media technologies are developed, the barriers between every part of studies are breaking down. For instant, our global school of media is made up art, liberal arts and sciences. If we were students of this university about 10 years ago, numerous people do not understand why we get the same class because they thought that every part of studies must be separated. However, new media technologies and the width of studying are also developed by breaking down barriers. And people’s thinking is also keeping changing. Besides, recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too. There is a pattern. According to the pattern, we can observe the patterning of links among actors and then we are able to find the opposite facts. We also can solve problems and predict the next. Furthermore, social network gives opportunities. For example, when we find a part time job, we usually go search internet or ask a person who I knew already. There are two kinds of social capital. One is called bonding capital which can connect other network. The other is bridge capital which likes branches and has central person or something.

Social network as technology is more complicated than social network as science. If social network as science is just for people, the social network as technology is able to include every part. Also, social network as technology is linked according to people’s taste, favorite things. So I think that social network as technology is better than as science because we are able to meet various kinds of people and to communicate with people who have same interest as me.

Some of people use the social network as art. Some artists draw the social network by hands and it shows that the relationship between people and people. However, drawing the network by hands is really hard and I think it wastes their time.

2008년 3월 29일 토요일

The summary for the week ( 26th, 28th . March)

What do you usually first do whenever you put a web address on the address window? Lots of people who use internet type ‘http://www’ first. We put them habitually but we do not know what are the http and the www. I studied the World Wide Web, URIs, HTML, HTTP and the relation between people and media. So it was also the important time when we know the basic of Information Technology.

People make media and then media make people. I could understand the first part of the sentence but I did not know the meaning of latter. Actually, people always make media and then we always use them. Besides we always try our lives to adapt the new media things. For example, people always wrote a letter or a book by own hands about 70 years ago. However, now numerous people use computer to write a letter or a book. It means that as the media is developed, people also want to follow up the technology. People can know the trend, the situation of the world, politics etc through the media. I think that the media is always existed since human was born but the kinds of the media are becoming diversity. At 1960’s, no one was interested in the visual art. The representative artist was Nam June, Paik who remained many works which made of televisions and something like the mass media. So I think that representing the new ideas is really awful and some of those things help developing the present.

What is the meaning of WWW? The World Wide Web is abbreviated WWW. The World Wide Web is created by Tim Berners-Lee who was born in 1955, London England. At that time when Tim Berners-Lee worked at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), there is only text pages. He wanted to share and to show the graphical things on the web. So the motivation of the research is that the WWW was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project. And now, the World Wide Web is really huge and includes the different things. Even though the theme is same, the contents are always different. So we can choose the contents whatever we want.

There are some points; URI, HTML and HTTP. URI is a simple form of universal resource identifier. URI is the only address which shows the sources of the data. URI is composed protocol (http, mailto or ftp),:, // , host name and the specific address. What is the HTML? HTML means that hypertext markup language. I used the HTML when I made a private web blog but actually I do not need the HTML when I make blog now. Because most of the websites which offer the basic form and we just put in the contents. Even if the HTML is not used frequently, it is useful to me when I want to know the address of the resource like music and pictures. It is hard to download a mp3 file for free on the web, so I usually get the address from the HTML source and then I downloaded it. Hypertext Transfer Protocol is called HTTP. It is communications protocol for the transfer of information on intranets and the World Wide Web. Its original purpose was to provide a way to publish and retrieve hypertext pages over the Internet. Whenever I put a web address, I always type the http first.

Even though I heard the whole things what I learned this week, I thought that typing http://www is the matter of course. However, I understand that those things afford every facility. I think all the contents of learning on the week are about the web.

2008년 3월 23일 일요일

The summary for the week ( 21st. March)

What do you think of “digital media”? We are living in an information-oriented society now. But many of us think that it is hard to judge what digital media is, also we cannot figure out the exact meaning of digital media because digital media comes to us so quickly and so silently. I learned the meaning of digital media, some details of digital media, hypertext and Douglas Engelbart on this week. Besides we mentioned the key points of last week again.

There are two key points of digital media. One is when a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media. There is an example to understand. We use some folders to collect and to arrange materials. The folder made of papers or plastics in reality. When we make a folder on a computer (we usually use windows), the folder in computer looks like the real folder. So it helps us to know which folder has the information what I need. The other is new media do not replace old media, they displace them. For example, there are two kinds of books. One is a book which made of papers, and the other is e-book which just can find on internet. Even though the contents of the books are same, the e-book cannot replace the book which made of papers because the e-book can buy the contents what you need, and do not need buy whole contents. And the shape is also different from the paper book. As the internet is developed so fast, we can download the music for free. However, it is too unfair to singers and producers. So they start to make digital albums. Even if digital media is quick and convenient, there are too many faults because people do not pay the money and they abuse the information. I think that sometimes digital media makes the product to fall in value.

Here is the most important point of the class. It is hypertext that is a way of connecting pieces of text so that we can go quickly and directly from one to another. Hypertext is invented by Ted Nelson. By using hypertext, we do not need to watch the unnecessary contents. So hypertext is really convenient thing to us. If hypertext did not exist, I had to drag the whole pages till I find the information what I need. The way of dragging the whole pages makes me annoying and wastes my time.

What is “cut-ups”? I thought it is the way of copy contents because whenever I copy texts on the web, I always use cut and paste functions. Cut-up is performed by taking a finished and fully linear text (printed on paper) and cutting it in pieces with a few or single words on each piece. The resulting pieces are then rearranged into a new text. The rearranging of work often results in surprisingly innovative new phrases. Many people thought cut-up gives bad result but it was not. Tristan Tzara who advocated Dadaism made a Dadaist poem. He cut single words, mixed them, chose some words and rearranged them. William Burroughs who made Origin & Theory of the Tape Cutups and David Bowie also used cut ups function. Cut-ups are used at advertising, music video, like a multi media. And I think that we can make a work of art by using cut-ups. It is an attractive thing to me.

There is an important person who invented mouse, windows, e-mail and word processor; Douglas Engelbart. He remained lots of achievements and the achievements are still valuable to us. The most important achievement is demo.It is the strongest rhetoric in new media Thanks to Douglas Engelbart, all people can use a computer conveniently.

Digital media, hypertext of Ted Nelson, cut-ups and Douglas Engelbart were the key points on this week. However, As I studied the history of information technology, I surprized and realized that a little idea is able to become a part of history even the idea was not welcomed at that time.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

The summary for the week ( 12nd, 14th . March)

I studied about the conception of the media on this week. There are two important key points of this week. One is the digital media techonologies connect or separate people and the other is that technologies embody everything what related with us. Also I studied the reading "As We May Think".

Techonologies include all of things what related with us. For example, the ex baseball player in Korea killed three women and then he killed himself. The news can be the political news also can be the part of sports because he was a baseball player. Thus I think that technology is also able to be every part of everything. I saw the creation yesterday which made by a graduate stuendent in global media of soong sil university. There are many guys who play on the traditional musical instruments of the creation and I can hear the sound of the instrument when I touch a musical instrument of the screen. So I think it can be the part of technology and be useful to culture industry.

Connecting or separtating people from the digital media is able to be media. For instance, when a person is in a car, the car separate the person from the outside. Media is started from the crative thinking. So the media is the combination of between reality and imagination. Many of the scientists created lots of inventions that who had not ever thought about.
There are two building blocks of computers. One is switches which is a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal . The other is connectors which is the connecting element must have the ability to branch, so that a single output can feed many inputs.
Vannevar Bush made differential analyzer in 1931 and then the Memex was based on Bush's work during from 1938 to 1940.

How does a man can find the data what he really wants when a man writes numerous things on the papers ? Bush's satated motivation is the method. Bush made the Memex because the way of collecting and of summarizing data is too hard when people have lots of piece of papers for study besides he wants to find the data faster and easier what he exactly need. And Bush was trying to solve the problem which suppose the idea were not enough. And the Memex is helpful to scientist when they keep their own data. Also it helps men,girls,secretaries and calculators. To our surprise, the index which is able to move to move whenever we want is same as the world wide web (www).

I really surprise the intuitive judgement. For example , there is Bell's telephone (actually it was mentioned by Dr.Yoon). No one in England wanted to use the telephone because bellboys were the best communication item at that time but now telephone is the one of the best communication item between me and others. Anyway, the Memex is the beginning of arranging the data and developing the information techonology.

2008년 3월 6일 목요일

What's this?

Hm.. anyway , this blog is for my assignments